
How to add custom routes, and modify existing routes

Add routes

Tensei provides a simple way to define API routes. Each route is a Route instance. You may create a route using the route() method exported from the tensei package. Let's define an example route using this method:

import { route } from '@tensei/core'

route('Get user invoices')
    .handle(async (request, response) => {
        import { manager, params } = request

        const invoices = await manager.find('Invoice', { user: })

        return response.json(invoices)
  • route(name) creates a new Route instance, giving it a name.
  • .post() makes this route a POST request. You may use the .put(), .patch(), .delete() or .get() routes also.
  • .path() defines the resource path.
  • .id() gives this route a unique ID so we can find it later. Other plugins may define IDs on routes so you can access them.
  • handle() defines an express handler for the resource.

To register custom routes with the tensei application, you may call the .routes() method on the tensei instance:

import { tensei, route } from '@tensei/core'

        route('Get user invoices')
            .handle(async (request, response) => {
                import { manager, params } = request

                const invoices = await manager.find('Invoice', { user: })

                return response.json(invoices)

If you are developing a plugin, you may use the .extendRoutes() method to add custom routes to the api:

import { plugin } from '@tensei/common'

export default () => plugin('Invoices').register(({ extendRoutes }) => {
        route('Get user invoices')
            .handle(async (request, response) => {
                import { manager, params } = request

                const invoices = await manager.find('Invoice', { user: })

                return response.json(invoices)