
How to programmatically send mails in Tensei

Tensei ships with the @tensei/mail package, a simple wrapper around nodemailer to mail sending mails easy.

Tensei ships with plugins to send emails using AWS SES, SMTP, Sparkpost, Mailgun and Sendgrid.

Sending mails

Let's say you want to send an email to a registered user after the user is created. You may use the afterCreate hook on the resource like this:

import { resource, text } from '@tensei/core'

    .afterCreate(({ entity }, { mailer }) => {
        mailer.send(message => {
                .html('<p>We\'re glad to have you on our app. Welcome!</p>')
  • The mailer instance can also be found on the request object when creating custom routes, or on the graphQL context when creating custom queries.
  • The .send() message receives a callback. The callback builds the message to be sent via nodemailer.

Here is a list of all available methods on the message instance:

 * Add receipent as `to`
to(address: string, name?: string): this;
 * Add `from` name and email
from(address: string, name?: string): this;
 * Add receipent as `cc`
cc(address: string, name?: string): this;
 * Add receipent as `bcc`
bcc(address: string, name?: string): this;
 * Define custom message id
messageId(messageId: string): this;
 * Define subject
subject(message: string): this;
 * Define replyTo email and name
replyTo(address: string, name?: string): this;
 * Define inReplyTo message id
inReplyTo(messageId: string): this;
 * Define multiple message id's as references
references(messagesIds: string[]): this;
 * Optionally define email envolpe
envelope(envelope: EnvolpeNode): this;
 * Define contents encoding
encoding(encoding: string): this;
 * Define email prority
priority(priority: 'low' | 'normal' | 'high'): this;
 * Compute email html from defined view
htmlView(template: string, data?: any): this;
 * Compute email text from defined view
textView(template: string, data?: any): this;
 * Compute apple watch html from defined view
watchView(template: string, data?: any): this;
 * Compute email html from raw text
html(content: string): this;
 * Compute email text from raw text
text(content: string): this;
 * Compute email watch html from raw text
watch(content: string): this;
 * Define one or attachments
attach(filePath: string, options?: AttachmentOptionsNode): this;
 * Define attachment from raw data
attachData(content: Readable | Buffer, options?: AttachmentOptionsNode): this;
 * Embed attachment inside content using `cid`
embed(filePath: string, cid: string, options?: AttachmentOptionsNode): this;
 * Embed attachment from raw data inside content using `cid`
embedData(content: Readable | Buffer, cid: string, options?: AttachmentOptionsNode): this;
 * Define custom headers for email
header(key: string, value: string | string[]): this;
 * Define custom prepared headers for email
preparedHeader(key: string, value: string | string[]): this;

Sending an email later

Emails take a second or two to send. You may want to queue an email to be sent later. The mailer ships with an in-memory queue. To queue the email, you may use the sendLater method just like you would the .send method.

route('Send payment reminder later')
    .handle(({ mailer }) => {
        mailer.sendLater((message) => {

Sending mail using HTML views

In medium to large applications, you may need to design and customize your emails with personalised user data. To do so, you may use html views. To send an email with a view, you may use the .htmlView method, and pass in the name of the view.

route('Send payment reminder later')
    .handle(({ mailer, user }) => {
        mailer.sendLater((message) => {
                   .htmlView('users.payment-reminder', { user })

The second argument to the .htmlView method is data that is passed to the view.

By default, tensei will expect this view to exist at /emails/users/payment-reminder.edge file. The view may look like this:

<h2>Hello {{ user.firstname }}</h2>

<p>I hope this meets you well.</p>

<p>Please complete your total payment of {{ user.payment_dues }} by the end of the week.</p>

<p>Thank you for using our application.</p>

The templating engine used for emails is called Adonis Edge.

Mail drivers

You can register multiple mail drivers and use any of them to send emails. For example, you may need AWS for sending transactional emails, SMTP for testing and Sendgrid for marketing emails. The default mail driver is console.log and will log all emails to the console.


You may use the ses plugin from the @tensei/mail package to add support for aws.

import { ses } import '@tensei/mail'
import { tensei } from '@tensei/core'

        ses('transactional') // the name of this ses mail driver

You may also use other methods such as .apiVersion(), .noSsl() or .configure() to further configure the plugin.


You may use the smpt plugin to add support for smtp. Let's take an example on how to use mailtrap smtp:

import { smtp } import '@tensei/mail'
import { tensei } from '@tensei/core'

        smtp('transactional') // the name of this ses mail driver

Setting a default mail driver

You may use the .mailer() method on the tensei instance to set a default mailer. You need to pass in the name of the registered driver to use.

import { smtp } import '@tensei/mail'
import { tensei } from '@tensei/core'
