Verify emails

How to handle email verification with Tensei auth

You may need to verify emails in your application. To enable this functionality, you may call the .verifyEmails() method on the auth plugin instance:

import { auth } from '@tensei/auth'
import { tensei } from '@tensei/core'

export default tensei()

Enabling this feature will add two new fields to the user resource:

  • Email Verification Token, a text field to store a unique token sent to the user's email for confirmation
  • Email Verified At, a nullable dateTime field that saves when a user's email was verified. You may check if this field is null to know if the user's account is verified or not.

Verify emails

Enabling this feature adds a new mutation to the GraphQL API and a new route to the Rest API.

input confirm_user_email_input {
  email_verification_token: String!

extend Mutation {
  confirm_user_email(object: confirm_user_email_input!): user!
  resend_user_verification_email: Boolean

A new route POST auth/emails/verification/confirm is also added. This endpoint requires passing the email_verification_token from the user's email in the request body.

import axios from 'axios'

const instance = Axios.create({
    baseURL: 'http://localhost:8810'
})'auth/emails/verification/confirm', {
    email_verification_token: 'whcnzm8h34xdq828car7vvgsm96n9dbe6etgbkvs'

Resend verification email

You may want to add a Resend Verification email button on your client-side application. This plugin provides a GraphQL mutation for resending the confirmation email. The user must be authenticated to make this request.

Here's an example with graphql-request:

import { GraphqlClient } from 'graphql-request'

    mutation resend_user_verification_email {

const client = new GraphqlClient('http://localhost:8810')


You may also use the REST api endpoint POST auth/emails/verification/resend to resend a confirmation email to the user. No payload is needed for this endpoint.